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Saint Padre Pio Speaks: Book 1
The Capuchin priest who received the stigmata of Jesus talks about it and how it retains even more unique powers while in Heaven. The saint teaches about the importance of the sacrament of confession and prayer. He emphasizes the need for reconciliation with God thorough the sacrament of penance. He speaks in detail of how one should approach it.
Dear Humanity - Book 1: 27 Messages From the Blessed Virgin Mary Spoken During 2020-21
In 27 messages, the Mother of God communicates to us from Heaven. She expresses Her sorrow at the transgressions of the world and calls us to offer our fears to Her. In detail, She talks about Her glorious appearance at Fatima and at the Lourdes both of which were approved by God the Father. Lastly, She calls us to be more prayerful and believe in Her Son our Lord Jesus Christ. She assures us of more appearances and her constant protection from evil.
Dear Humanity: Book 2: 30 Messages From the Blessed Virgin Mary Spoken During Advent 2021
The Queen of Heaven AND Earth in 30 messages to Marie Josee enlightens us about Her role in the salvation process. She clearly narrates in great detail the events of the Announciation, visit to St Elizabeth and the Glorious birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. She urges humanity to make reconciliation with God for the end times are here with us. Lastly, She talks about the importance of praying the Holy Rosary and how it touches the Heart of God the Father.
Saint Beethoven Speaks - Book 1
The deaf composer of the ninth symphony teaches in a more clear way about the workings of God the Holy Spirit. The book offers insights about how God the Holy Spirit inspired him when composing the symphonies while on earth. Do you want to know which of his symphonies is sang in Heaven? Then this is the right book. He also addresses the misconceptions written about him by historians.
St Therese of Lisieux Speaks - Book 1: I Am The Heart of the Rose
The little flower of Jesus beautifully describes the spirituality of the rose flower and her connection with all the rose flowers of the world. She also teaches about the intercession of the saints and the role of the guardian Angels in our lives here on earth. Most importantly. She calls all people to prayer.
Saint Bernadette Speaks - Book 1
The patroness of Lourdes dwells into the miracle of Lourdes. She explains the source of the miraculous water, which flows into the grotto at Lourdes. She also talks about her suffering while on earth and the role played by the Virgin Mary in comforting her and humanity. Most of all, she calls us to prayer and faith in God.

Saint Joan of Arc Speaks - Book 1
In this book, St Joan of the Arch encourages humanity to be brave and courageous in the face of so much evil in the world. She emboldens us to always choose good over evil in everything we do and always seek her intercession. She assures us that in the end, all darkness will give way to the light, the Light of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Saint Martin De Porres Speaks - Book 1
St Martin reveals to humanity the unknown mystery of life after death. He elaborately talks about purgatory and the purification that takes place there. He teaches of what happens to a soul upon death, its judgement and its final destination according to the will of God the Father. A glimpse of Paradise and what is contained in the Akoshic records are clearly elaborated.

The Holy Pope Saint John Paul II Speaks - Book 1
The most popular modern saint calls all people to prayer and living a holy life. The saint consistently calls on humanity to be not afraid, but to always pray as prayer appeases the the justice of the Living God. He talks of the atrocities to come during the end times as part of the purification for humankind. He also shares details of his earthly life at the Vatican and in Poland.

The Holy Pope Saint John Paul II Speaks - Book 2
In these two related books, the most popular modern saint calls all people to prayer and living a holy life. The saint consistently calls on humanity to be not afraid, but to always pray as prayer appeases the the justice of the Living God. He talks of the atrocities to come during the end times as part of the purification for humankind. He also shares details of his earthly life at the Vatican and in Poland.

Saint Barnabas Speaks - Book 1
In a most profound way, the saint of the environment explains the spirituality of elementals and how every creation is important in the eyes of God.The importance of caring for the environment becomes a natural duty after reading the message.The eyewitness of Jesus and assistant to St Paul also talks about the mission and life of Jesus on earth. He calls humanity to purity, holiness and harmony at the soul’s level.
Angel Gabriel Speaks: Book 1
The Arch Angel of Annunciation teaches about the ministry of Angels, their roles in our lives and their contact with Abba Father. The Angel also talks about the end times, which are approaching and the events to come. He reveals that Abba Father as referred to by Christians is the same Allah as referred to by Muslims. Lastly, he reveals the place in which Adam was placed after sinning at the Garden of Aden and the places to be saved during the sorrowful destruction of the earth.
Abba, Your Father, Speaks: Book I
In this Holy book, Abba Father communicates to us directly in the first person. He is the creator of everything that has ever existed, exists or will ever exist. He calls us to return to Him by turning from our evil ways. In detail, Abba Father talks to us about the most beautiful prayer (The Lord’s Prayer) which He composed and passed it to us through His Son our Lord Jesus Christ. The I AM also reveals His favorite animal in the animal kingdom.
Abba, Your Father, Speaks : Book II
In this book which is a continuation of Abba Father Speaks book 1, Abba Father who is the source of Divine Mercy calls on humanity to seek His Divine Mercy, which is only granted by Him. Abba Father also talks about the end times and the purification for humankind. In addition, He talks about the Covid pandemic and how He saved His people from it, the Ukrainian war and most important the salvation of our souls which He so much desires.